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2012_06_10_ 121sepia.jpg




All my life, I've lived in a broken world that reflects values so very distant from those of the Lord. I've so often followed those voices, deceived into believing that the world knows best, but I desire to take a firm step toward elevating the Almighty God's will over America's status quo.

As my son has intuited, "God is big and we are small. He is in control of all things, and we aren't." I'm choosing to live in the newness of setting aside all my presumptions and expectations and plans for living in order to accept a call of my gifts to the Lord's service. Today I will wage war under Christ in order to save lives. I pray that you join me in the words from the boy David who became a giant-killer and picked up stones in the name of God. "Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are my God, my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long" (Psalm 25:4). May He use this art to bring attention to His truths, make Himself known, point to the miracle of life, and lead people to His salvation through Jesus Christ.


With each purchase of art cards, up to 50% of the profits will be given to ministries and organizations which fight for the sanctity of life in and out of the womb, encourage child sponsorship and adoption, tell the truth about a young earth creation, and glorify Christ.

Five Stones Mission

 Nathan Robinson 

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